Metrics are fully custom data sets that you can choose to import into and display on your Status Page. To begin – edit the desired Status Page in-app by clicking it’s “Settings” button. After that you’ll want the Sources/Templates button under the “Metrics” section.
Once on this page, click the “Create” button under the “Custom Templates” section. This will take you to the settings entry page for Metrics sources.
On this page you will be presented with several important form fields. First off add your desired title to the “Template Name” field, and in the “Data URL” field below you should enter the URL from which you will grab the JSON format data.
Under the “Data Location” field you should enter any nested container keys found in the JSOn output. In the “Timestamp Key” field you should enter the key of the value which returns data as a timestamp. Lastly in the “Value Key” field you should enter the key which identifies the status or value you’d like to measure against.
Now that all the data has been entered it’s time to test the Template Input, this can be done with the section on the right of the page, first click “Fetch Input” to populate the JSON box, then use the “Parse Input” button to parse the results from that JSON.
Once finished you can use the green “Save Now” button at the bottom of the page to submit your new Service Source.