Integrating with Leftronic

Using your Statuscake API key it’s possible to integrate with the Leftronic service and display information on tests, recent alerts and load times in the dashboard. First off you will need to sign up for an account with this service if you haven’t already, you can do that by following this link –

Once you have signed up with Leftronic you will want to log into Statuscake and go to the User Details section of your account, here you will want to make a note of your Username and also the API key for your account which can be found in the API key section of User Details. Once you have these you are ready to set up your first integration!

For an overview of all tests in Leftronic:

– Click the blue and white plus symbol in the Leftronic dashboard to add a new widget.

– Use the search box or the slider to select the “Statuscake” option.

– Select “Tests Overview”.

– Once the overview widget appears on your metrics panel, you should click the cog to access it’s settings and select “Edit Widget Settings”.

– Lastly you will just need to enter the Statuscake API key and username that you noted earlier to get data coming in to the widget.

For alerts and alert history into Leftronic:

– Click the blue and white plus symbol in the Leftronic dashboard to add a new widget.

– Use the search box or the slider to select the “Statuscake” option.

– Select “Alerts”.

– Once the alerts widget appears on your metrics panel, you should click the cog to access it’s settings and select “Edit Widget Settings”.

– You should then enter your Statuscake username and the TestID that you would like to receive alerts and alert history for. Once this is complete the widget is ready to use.

For latest load times into Leftronic:

– Click the blue and white plus symbol in the Leftronic dashboard to add a new widget.

– Use the search box or the slider to select the “Statuscake” option.

– Select “Latest Loadtime”.

– Choose the type of graph to be used for the data.

– Once the alerts widget appears on your metrics panel, you should resize it so that it has enough space to display data. After that click the cog and select “Edit Widget Settings”.

– You should then enter your Statuscake username and the TestID that you want the recent load time stats for, once these details have been entered the data will begin to display on the wiidget.

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