
StatusCake perks

StatusCake Perks

team putting blocks on a page


Home Office Budget

Used to furnish your home office – new desk, chair, plants.  You tell us what you need to make your home office a great place to work happily and productively.

£500 to start

Working Space Budget

To help you meet the costs of working from home (e.g. Internet and electricity), or to use coworking spaces.


Working Together Budget

Working remotely is great but we want to make sure you don’t ever feel isolated.  This budget is available so that you can travel to meet other team members, StatusCake Bakers, and see how they work.  Mix things up a little! 


Personal Development Budget

We encourage every team member to invest in their personal growth and development.  This fund is primarily for non-work related learning; whether you want to learn a language, a musical instrument, or take a course on something you’ve always wanted to learn more about.


Paid Holiday Leave

As we’ve moved to a remote team with a diversity of people spread across different countries it becomes difficult for us to acknowledge public holidays without this being exclusionary.

As such all team members, wherever they are located, get the same amount of days to be used for holiday leave as they choose.

As a company we also take a break over the Christmas and New Year period.  This is in addition to the main holiday entitlement. 

40 days/year

Holiday Budget

We don’t want you to have to save-up for your next holiday. We provide team members with up to £250/year to take the holiday they want.


Company Retreat

Remote working can be fun but it’s great to see each other in real life. At our retreats you’ll have the opportunity to do just that.


Wellbeing Budget

This is used for maintaining and/or improving your physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Our team commonly uses this for private health cover, gym membership, coaching, meditation programs, fitness trackers, and more.

Paid Parental Leave

Becoming a parent is a hard job and a big adjustment.  

We fully support team members who are welcoming a new family member into their lives.  

At StatusCake we provide all team members with up to 8 weeks (40 workdays) of paid parental leave in order to celebrate the addition of a new member to the family whether by birth, adoption, or foster care.

40 work days


The Small Print!

  • Some of the perks set out above are limited in how you use them, but your team lead can guide you through any questions you’ve got.
  • The perks run from January to December each year. If you join StatusCake mid way through the year, we’ll ensure that any perks that can be prorated, are until the next January when you’ll get the full entitlement.
  • Perks cannot be carried over from one calendar year to the next.
  • How some perks are delivered may be dependent on the location you are in.  
  • Depending on how you are employed by StatusCake, and where you are located, some of the perks will be treated as taxable income.

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