

hands together making a difference

The story of the 999 Club charity that inspired us to give

4 min read We are truly inspired by the work that the 999 Club does and we believe that you will be too. We interviewed Head of Partnerships, Gulen Petty, to better understand the story of this outstanding charity and what made her give up her successful career in chemistry for the 999 Club.

malicious threats to yoru website

Malicious threats to your website that you don’t know about

5 min read You’ve heard the terms “malware” and “phishing” but do you know how they affect your website and what you can do to prevent them attacking? Find out everything you need to know about malicious threats to your website so you don’t risk your company’s reputation or revenue.


Boosting lockdown morale with Crafternoon

4 min read Here at StatusCake, we don’t want to spend our days sitting in front of screens and shouting “You’re on MUTE” every twenty minutes. Instead, we like to paint mugs. Mugs with trees on, mugs with cats, dogs, and mugs with dragons. Yep, dragons. See how crafternoon’s with your work team can help boost your morale during lockdown!

Product & Updates

Product update: Email reporting and dashboards

2 min read We believe in constantly improving our website monitoring solution based on the feedback and needs of our customers. That’s why we’ve made some updates to our email reporting to now include page speed tests and to our dashboards for better security and privacy. Find out more inside!


How you can recycle your unused tech gadgets for free

3 min read How many unwanted or unused tech gadgets do you have stashed away at home? If, like many of us, you have drawers full of them, we’ve got the top ways of recycling them for free. The best part? You’re stopping unnecessary waste, helping others have access to technology and being kind to the environment. Win, win and win!

How To

The best affiliate marketing programs to use in 2021

4 min read Want to make the most out of affiliate marketing this year? Our expert, Mario, gives you all the best programs to use, top tips for beginning your affiliate marketing and how to work out your commission structure!

slack outage
In The News

Slack outage 2021 welcomes everyone back to work

2 min read It’s 2021 and the first major platform to go down is the multi-billion dollar team communication tool Slack. Find out everything you need to know about the 3-hour Slack outage on Monday 4th January in our latest news post.

How To

Affiliate marketing for beginners in 2021

5 min read Affiliate marketing is huge at the moment and will undoubtedly get even bigger in 2021 with more online stores and online shopping. Use our step by step guide to build your successful affiliate program in 2021 to gain more customers and build long-lasting professional relationships with high-quality affiliate partners.

Black Friday
In The News

Why Black Friday 2020 is going to be the biggest one yet

3 min read Black Friday 2020 is set to be the biggest discount day of the year, especially with lockdown meaning high street shops are unable to open until 2nd December. See how and why Black Friday 2020 will make a difference to businesses and consumers.

Want to know how much website downtime costs, and the impact it can have on your business?

Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021

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